The prophetic scriptures forewarn us of “judgment” plagues, which will devastate our World System and bring all life on Earth to the brink of extinction. To protect “the Remnant” from these “judgment” plagues (and other apocalyptic events)…

…Elohim has prepared the Old City of Jerusalem as the Place of Refuge…
…where “the Remnant” will assemble so they will be alive to greet the Son of Man at His return. This assembling of “the Remnant” is the Greater Second Exodus.
In this article, we a going to determine “when” does the Greater Second Exodus begin? And “when” do “the Remnant” have to be in the Place of Refuge in order to physically escape the apocalyptic events and “judgment” plagues?

According to Daniel, seven years of allotted prophetic time is yet to be fulfilled.

This remaining seven years is often referred to as the 70th Week of Daniel.
For then shall be Great Tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. (Matthew 24:21 KJV)
The second half of this prophetic week is the Great Tribulation period that Elohim is forewarning us about.

And for those of you that feel the calling, then you must be in the Place of Refuge at the start of the Great Tribulation in order to physically escape the apocalypse.

Officially, the Greater Second Exodus begins with the start of the 70th Week of Daniel. Only those that watch for the start of the Final Seven Years…

..will know that they will have a 3½ year window till the Great Tribulation begins.

For now, however, we find ourselves in a gulf-of-time, waiting for the next event, which will announce the start of the Final Seven Years.
Next: The Event that Starts the Greater Second Exodus